3 Benefits of Working with an Employer of Record

Business executives and hiring managers are adapting to the future of work by embracing
flexibility and reevaluating their recruiting initiatives to fill the growing demand for exceptional
talent. Companies can turn to Strategic Contracting Services (SCS) to be their Employer of
Record (EOR) as they pivot their hiring and retention strategies to address the talent shortage
and high turnover rate. Here are three great reasons why working with an employer of record
can meet your business needs.

Control Costs

Finding great talent is very difficult, and candidates know they are in high demand. Employers
are increasing wages and offering bonuses, but in today’s environment many highly-skilled
workers are not interested in onsite long-term employment.

Hiring full-time employees is expensive. When you add up the valuable time of your current
employees involved in the hiring process, employee benefits, and continuous skills training, it
may not make financial sense for your company to hire permanent employees for certain

Instead, consider the exact needs of the position and ask will a temporary or remote employee
fill the need? How could you structure roles to best fit your needs?

Working through SCS allows you to set an agreed-upon rate and duration. This allows you to
predict accurately and control the cost of bringing on a contingent or remote staffer.

Extinguish Burn-Out & Distribute Work Loads

The number one reason employees left their jobs in 2021 was burnout. You risk more burnout
as your remaining employees absorb more tasks. You may even be falling behind on projects
and fulfilling customer orders. Avoid scrambling to fill productivity gaps, calm stressed-out
workers, and increase retention by hiring qualified contract workers. Bringing in extra hands to
help with project deadlines and the standard day-to-day work is a successful tactic to bridge the
productivity gap and retain staff.

Having Strategic Contracting Services be the employer or record for your contractors provides
you with a way to hedge against employee burnout without the risk associated with ensuring you
are compliant with state laws for 1099 workers. Contingent staffing allows you to hire the talent
you need while spreading the additional work amongst many employees. This can give
permanent employees a more equitable workload while reducing stress and improving work-life
balance at the same time. Contract employees are available on an as-needed basis, so you
aren’t burdened with time-consuming hiring and firing.

Build an Agile and Competitive Company

Not only is it hard to find job applicants, but it is also hard to find suitable candidates. Digital
transformation and changing consumer expectations have led to skill gaps in our workforce.
Visionary CEOs have turned skill shortages into a competitive advantage. Many are working
with Strategic Contracting Services (SCS) to hire contingent professionals with hard-to-find skills
for specific projects.

Your geographic location may also make it more challenging to find qualified people. SCS
opens up your talent pool across the U.S. to reach the best professionals regardless of location.
Strategic Contracting Services gives you access to highly-specialized professionals, anywhere
in the country, for a set time period and cost.